"Nice collection. I have them all myself. Been collecting since 1988."

"You have to add Caddyshack 2. Terrible movie"

"261 movies? Would have been easier to name the ones you like."

"Saving Private Ryan. Tons of emotional moments for me."

"1.Connery 2.Brosnan 3.Dalton 4.Craig 5.Moore 6.Lazenby But thats just me."

"Hey guys its his list on who he thinks is beautiful. Different strokes for different folks."

"Awesome list. This show is still so funny. Check out the Whale Wars episode. I know Capt Paul Watson is barely a celeb but he might be worth adding to your list."

"Great list I love all these cars; FYI The XXX Car is listed as a Plymouth coupe but its a 67 Pontiac GTO."

"Al pacino as Han Solo?!? Cant even imagine it. Great job with the list."

"I think Futurama is funny but you re right the rest are shit"

"Cant believe you missed Erica Durance from Smallville. Otherwise nice list"